Westwood Elementary School in Manchester Tennessee used Electric Circuits KitBooks to teach approximately 35 students and parents principles of electrical circuits during “Family Maker Saturday” on March 7, 2015. Participants performed static electricity experiments, built series and parallel circuits and created various electromagnetic devices. Principal Thomas Fuhrman called it “an excellent day of fun learning.”

Westwood Elementary uses KitBooks on “Family Maker Saturday”
KitBook Demo Set $115.00
Classroom Set: Deluxe Classroom $1,495.10
Classroom Set: Regular Classroom $1,261.25
Classroom Set: Half Classroom $787.90
Energy Ball $4.99
Complete Set (7 Pieces) $19.49
Replacement Parts Bag $5.39
AA Batteries (4 Pack) $3.37
AA Battery $0.99
Momentary (Push) Switch $3.39
Color Wheel $3.39
Motor $3.39
Lamp $3.39
Fixed (Slide) Switch $3.39
Buzzer $3.39
Electronic Circuits Workbook $2.95
Electronic Circuits – Teacher's Edition $75.95
Electronic Circuits KitBook $49.95