KitBooks A Better Way to Learn

Memphis City Schools Science Teachers Complete Professional Development

Science lab teachers enjoy Electric Circuits KitBook training on their day off

Memphis City Schools students may have had the day off on February 15th, but not their teachers. Science lab teachers and district science administrators completed a day-long professional development class on electric circuits using the Electric Circuits KitBook.

The hands-on, interactive session was taught by KitBook authors Ed Basconi and David Jones. According to Jones, the KitBook professional development training is designed to improve the teacher’s hands-on science knowledge and skills thus improving their confidence in the classroom.”We find that science teachers are dedicated to their craft and enjoy learning new, practical teaching methods,” said Jones.

“I’m not sure who enjoys these sessions more, the teachers or us. We always have a great time working with them. And even though we’re doing the teaching, we always learn from them too,” added Basconi.

After the session, Holmes Road Elementary teacher Ms. Warren said, “Great presentation! I was highly engaged throughout. KitBooks make learning about electricity fun and rewarding.”

The KitBooks are currently in use in eleven elementary school science labs across the system.


